Paoloni Onelio & Figlio offers something that no other company in the market is able to: other than building and selling wire brush machines, sanding units and wood floor prefinishing systems, we offer to customers different training packages tailored to suit any need.
We also offer a selection of finishing products certified and guaranteed by the major companies in the industry. The daily-work at Parquet Sartoriale allows us to give our customers located everywhere in the world updated information about the best finishes in terms of innovation, resistance to wear, spots, scratches and dents.
We offer 4 different training packages:
Diversamente chi decidesse di acquistare solo le macchine e in un secondo momento acquistare pacchetti di formazione potrà scegliere tra:
On-line training
The the package is renewable for 2 more years.
1.500 euros + VAT (valid for 24 months)
Factory training
3.500 euros + VAT
Home Customer Training
5.500 euros + VAT.
Videos of training courses held in various locations around the world by Andrea Paoloni, C.E.O. of the company.
Los Angeles